SAFERS is going to create an open and integrated platform featuring a forest fire Decision Support System. This platform will integrate and use information from different sources: earth observations from Copernicus and GEOSS, fire sensors in forests, topographic data, weather forecasts and even crowdsourced data from social media and other apps that can be used by citizens and first responders to provide situational in-field information. SAFERS platform will offer several intelligent services:
- Crowdsourcing intelligence for improved EO mapping – Social media analysis,
- Mobile application /chatbot for citizens and volunteers (OS),
- Sub-seasonal weather forecast,
- Operational early-warning,
- Smoke and fire detection systems,
- On-demand nowcast and forecast models,
- EO-based fire delineation and burned area mapping; and
- EO-based post wildfire habitat recovery.
Read the description of these intelligent services on SAFERS website.