Targeted end-users

Thanks to SAFERS Dashboard, decision-makers will be able to effectively visualize all generated data and map products supplied by the SAFERS intelligent services, allowing to provide a single source for all relevant information in a timely manner, adequately supporting the decision-making process. The SAFERS web-based dashboard will allow various functionalities:
- Integrate the data coming from the SAFERS Intelligent Services;
- Visualise all data, presenting single data sources as well as combined data in an easy to digest form;
- Provide actionable insights, allowing to trigger communications and highlight emerging risks to help decision-making;
- Continuous monitoring, providing the ability to track and assess the effects of actions taken.
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Architecture of SAFERS Open-Source Platform

A glimpse of SAFERS Dashboard
SAFERS Geodata Repository
SAFERS developed a Big Data Repository (Data Lake) to manage any kind of data. An importer and mapper were also developed allowing to ingest geospatial data and serving them through Open Geospatial Consortium standards (e.g., WMS, WMTS, etc.). The Big Data repository is based on an open-source component (i.e., CKAN) that can be easily interfaced and connected with existing portals such as GEO and NextGEO, which was built to support the EuroGEO community. The importer and mapper provide for Application Programming Interfaces-APIs services that facilitate data sharing and management. The main functionalities of the Big Data Repository are:
Support of INSPIRE metadata
Integration with OAuth2 authorization and authentication system
Support of geospatial data
Notification on SAFERS messaging system
Integration with data cloud storage